Best Winter High Rating Product provide uyku tulumu, ultralight down sleeping bag, ultralight sleeping bag Terrific Special Filling 400G 600G 800G 1000G 1200G outdoor ultralight sleeping bags camping splicing mummy goose down saco de dormir uyku tulumu. Get 5% discount Now! Now US $69.80/piece. Dont waste your time. Buy Now only in Camping Equipment Factory Store Trusted Seller Store!
Product Details:
Fabric:400Tnylon fabric
Size:220 * (80 + 50) CM
Filling:95% goose down
Fluffy Force:800+
400G 900G 25 C ~ 15 C ~ 5C
600G 1100G 20 C ~ 10 C ~ 0C
800G 1300G 15 C ~ 5 C ~ -5C
1000G 1500G 10 C ~ 0 C~ -10C
1200G 1700G 5 C ~ -5 C ~ -15C
1500G 2000G 0 C~ -10 C ~ -20C
1800G 2300G -5 C ~ -15 C ~ -25C
2000G 2500G -10 C ~ -20C ~ -30C
2500G 3000G -15 C ~ -25 C ~ -35C
3000G 3500G -20 C ~ -30C ~ -40C
3500G 4000G -25 C ~ -35 C ~ -45C
4000G 4500G -30 C ~ -40 C ~ -50 C
Special Note:
First,becausedifferent peoplein differentphysical condition,so thatthe use ofthesleeping bagsuitabletemperaturewill be different.So whenyou buya sleeping bag,pleasechooseaccording to the weightof thefillingdown.The moreweightthe morewarmth.
Second,thefillingdownallusing the machineautomatically populated.Typically,the errorwill bewithinthe100G.
Third,ifyouneedlarger size,pleasesend mea message.
If youneed otherstyles,pleasesend mea message.
Ifyouneedyouneedwholesale,we will giveyou a discountprice,please givemea message.
Fourth,ifyouneed tousetwosleeping bagsstitched together.Whenyoumakean order,please giveme a message.
For example:
One of theblue,whenI was lyingtherewhenthe zipperon the left.
Anotherblue,whenI was lyingtherewhenthe zipperon the right.
Wewill work hard!Toallbuyers canbe satisfied!Happy shopping!
Return Policy
If the product you receive is not as described or low quality, the seller promises that you may return it before order completion (when you click "Confirm Order Received" or exceed confirmation timeframe) and receive a full refund. The return shipping fee will be paid by you. Or, you can choose to keep the product and agree the refund amount directly with the seller.N.B.: If the seller provides the "Longer Protection" service on this product, you may ask for refund up to 15 days after order completion.
Seller Service
On-time Delivery: If you do not receive your purchase within 60 days, you can ask for a full refund before order completion (when you click "Confirm Order Received" or exceed confirmation timeframe).Cool Clearance Filling 400G 600G 800G 1000G 1200G outdoor ultralight sleeping bags camping splicing mummy goose down saco de dormir uyku tulumu
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